There are many ways to make a gift. You can make a gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime through your will or trust. You can fund a charitable gift annuity that will pay you for the rest of your life. You may want to donate an asset you no longer need or want. We can assist you with your planning while helping you realize your charitable goals. View a gift option that interests you to find out more.
Gifts Everyone Can Afford
Gifts of Will or Trust
Remember the American Heart Association or American Stroke Association in your will or trust without affecting your cash flow. This gift type is also known as a bequest.
Gifts of Your Retirement Plan Assets
Use your assets that are subject to higher taxes to fund a gift and leave more tax-favorable assets to your family.
Gifts of Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds
Take advantage of appreciated securities without incurring capital gains tax.
Gifts of Life Insurance
You don't need a large estate to make a gift. Designate us as a beneficiary of your life insurance.
Gifts of Real Estate
Real estate makes a gift that you can leave in exchange for tax benefits.
Learn more about Gifts Everyone Can Afford

Gifts That Pay You Income
Charitable Gift Annuities
Receive secure, stable income with a fixed payout in exchange for a gift of cash or stock. Take an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your gift in the same year you make it.
Deferred Gift Annuities
For donors still in high-earning years, this gift lowers your income tax while you continue to build retirement earnings for your future.
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
Gain the security of stable income, while having the flexibility to invest and manage your gift plan.
Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Receive payments that may increase over time, and defer or eliminate capital gains tax. It provides steady cash flow and can be more beneficial than keeping an asset or selling it outright.
Learn more about Gifts That Pay You Income

Gifts That Protect Your Assets
Charitable Lead Trust
Discover an innovative way to pass appreciated assets on to family members while making charitable gifts.
Retained Life Estates
Set up a gift of your residence, and continue living there. This is a good way to leave a gift that won’t cost you anything during your lifetime.